Welcome to Toylist.org!

We have: 156 manufacturers from 17 countries • 18 toys • 3 members • 3 customized toys

What is Toylist?

Toylist is the place where you can explore & compare adult toys from different manufacturers all over the world, keep track of which ones you want to buy or already own, and present your virtual toy shelf to the Internet.

Toylist is free (as in free beer) and everyone is invited to register and contribute to our database. Our focus is on:

  • small and independent toymakers, e.g. solo enterprises or owner-led companies
  • customizable, build-to-order toys
  • creative and unconventional designs, e.g. based on fantasy themes
  • high-quality materials like silicone

... but just one of those aspects justifies adding a toy here.

Can I contact you?

Yes! Feedback for the page is greatly appreciated via Email or X/Twitter or Reddit.


Start of public beta

I'm happy to anounce that Toylist is finally "ready enough" to be released to the public. There are a lot of things left that could be improved (e.g. accessibility for mobile devices), and possible features to be added, but the important core functionality is there.

This project has been cooking for a long time. For me, it was a learning experience, but it also is a way to show appreciation for all the creativity in the indie toy manufacturing community. After seeing countless questions asked on forums etc. about which toys to buy, and after seeing multiple people creating spreadsheets to manage their collections and future purchases, I believe that we need a tool like this. Especially with Etsy now deciding to ban the sale of sex toys from their site, and thus one go-to place for indie toys disappearing.

I hope that you will fill Toylist with life. Let's see where the journey will take us!